Gov. Haslam shared, “I’m proud of our state’s commitment to increasing opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities to pursue their goals, contribute to their communities and live quality lives. From inclusive higher education programs on college campuses, to the Employment First focus of state and community agencies, to the new ABLE TN savings program led by the Tennessee Treasury Department, there are countless examples of state agencies, community organizations and families working together to make sure Tennesseans with developmental disabilities have the chance to thrive.”
Read the entire press release here.
Transition Tennessee Web Portal
The state has implemented a new professional development portal that brings together resources and best practices for promoting successful transitions for students with disabilities. This portal is helpful for parents, teachers, advocates, service providers, and others in the student’s life. Visit the portal at to create a free account and get access to the blueprint for student success!
The Tennessee Disability MegaConference is Coming Up!
The MegaConference is a statewide disability conference with hundreds of attendees each year, including individuals with disabilities, families, providers, and professionals across the disability field. The Council, along with Disability Rights TN, TN Disability Coalition, The Arc TN, Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, the Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and many other agencies, helps plan and sponsor the conference.
- Registration Open!:
- Artwork Contest – Deadline for submittal is April 10, 2017! For the guidelines and to submit your artwork, click here.
- Sponsors & Exhibitors – Reach self-advocates, families and professionals across TN! See sponsor and exhibitor information here. Deadline to register is April 14, 2017!
Need information about disability resources in your community?
Contact TN Disability Pathfinder.
Helpline: 1-800-640-4636;
Multilingual Services: 615-875-5083
The Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities is an independent office in state government. The Council leads initiatives statewide to improve policies and practices that affect everyday lives of Tennesseans with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Contact Emma Shouse, Director of Communications, at or 615-253-5368.