After 46 years in at a facility on Garland Drive, last year MHDS relocated to facilities which will support their services for decades to come. We formalized the move with an Open House & Ribbon Cutting recently. The Bill Brewer Office Complex allows for program expansion as needs change for the next generation of persons supported.
Component programs and functions are housed in separate buildings. The Bob Ellis Administrative Office is housed at 27 Conrad Drive. Human Resources and Training operate from 57 Conrad Drive. Supported Employment, Community Integration, Employment & Community First (ECF), & Medicaid Alternative Pathways to Independence (MAPs) provide services at 53 Conrad Drive. The PLACE mental health program is located at 59 Conrad Drive.
Bill Brewer, CEO, shares “MHDS has been able to remain relevant over our 52 year existence with our willingness to embrace change. We look to his recent change in our facilities as a means to better serve the persons we support. They are our reason to exist and their needs take priority always.”
If you missed the opportunity to tour our facilities during the Open House, please contact our office at 731.664.0855 to schedule a time to visit. We have much to be thankful for in our new location and we welcome the chance to show off the resources we have that improve lives.