Dan’s New Job at Cookout

Entering the Cookout Restaurant, I was met by Dan who was giving the dining area an extra polish as the store was just opening.  Customers quickly filled the tables and as they left Dan noticed.  He would go to clear and refresh their table so it would be ready for the next customer.

“Their table needs to be ready for them,” Dan told me.  “They don’t want to wait.”  I sensed that Dan had taken his training to heart.  Dan’s on-the-job supervisor, Sherika, explains, “Dan takes his responsibilities seriously.  We’ve been very impressed with his dependability.”

Dan has been in his position for only a couple of weeks but he’s embraced the job quickly.  At MHDS, he had taken care of the custodial needs of our Break Room and that experience helped him integrate when a Supported Employment job became available.  “I am glad to have a job,” said Dan.  “I like to take my girlfriend out.”  His responsibilities beyond keeping the dining area cleaned and well stocked include cleaning the restrooms and taking out the trash.

For now, Dan has a Job Coach, Acunda, who accompanies him each day to work.  “I’ve seen Dan take the initiative to fulfill his job requirements.  He keeps his supplies organized, monitors customer readiness for departure and has a positive attitude,” observes Acunda.  “I think in a short time, Dan will be able to work without supervision other than the restaurant staff.”

“He’s become one of the team here at Cookout,” Sherika says fondly.  “Everyone enjoys seeing Dan come to work.  He brings a smile to us all and works very hard.”   “I hope other employers will give persons like Dan a chance to prove themselves.”