December 2019 News

We’re proud to announce that our own Rance Thetford was awarded the TNCO Award of Excellence! We’re so proud of you, Rance!

Click here to read about his accomplishment.

Colorful Divider

The 15th Annual Bob Brown Memorial Golf Scramble was a success!

We’d like to thank all of the players and those who donated for our day out on the course.

Check out the winning teams and skills contest winners here!

Colorful Divider

We’re proud of our Executive Director, Bill Brewer, who is in action at the Enabling Technology Summit!


Colorful Divider

We love celebrating the successes of our persons served! This month we’re celebrating Jasmine, who demonstrated her ability to shine as an employee even before she got the job.

Check her story out in our Supported Employment Spotlight!