William Enjoys His Job at The Rest Area

Upon entering the I-40 West Rest Area headed toward Memphis on a rainy Saturday, I find William Carroll just completing his cleaning rounds from one of the restrooms.  He tells me I caught him at a good time as he has a specific time frame organized to be sure he completes each of his tasks in a 30-minute rotation.  William’s tasks also include trash removal of the indoor & outdoor receptacles, keeping the parking lot clean & replenishing the literature rack for travelers who stop in.  He explains each of them to me with great satisfaction.

MHDS has had the maintenance contract with the state for the two Rest Areas between Jackson and Memphis for decades.  William began working there over a year ago on the weekends.  He says he enjoys the job because of the variety of people he meets during his shift.  “Everyone is very nice and I feel like I help them and that makes me feel good,” he shared.

Scott Schmidgall is the MHDS supervisor for the staff assigned to both Rest Areas.  Scott tells me that he’s seen William embrace his job with great enthusiasm.  “He really prides himself on not requiring much supervision.  He’s very dependable and a real asset to us.”

William expresses that he is grateful for the extra funds his job provides for him to be able to go out to eat and enjoy community events.  “I know I get to do more because I have this job,” he explains.  “I want to work hard to keep my job.”

Glancing at the clock to see where he’s supposed to be at on his schedule, William invites me to walk with him outside to check the trash.  After he explains this part of his responsibilities to me, William flashes me a big smile and says “Thanks for coming by to see me.  I have to get back to work.”  I take his cue and leave with a big smile myself.