William’s Work at the Old Hatchie Vet Clinic “We’ve never had a cleaner parking lot since William has been working here,” remarked one of the fellow staff at Old Hatchie Veterinary Clinic in Bolivar. “We all know when William is working because there is nothing out of place.” William has a...
We have a new success story in our Supported Employment Spotlight! Read about Flo’s success after her sheltered workshop employment ended, which was an uneasy time for her. She has since found a place to thrive and we’re excited to share Flo’s story! Click here to read about what...
Entering the Cookout Restaurant, I was met by Dan who was giving the dining area an extra polish as the store was just opening. Customers quickly filled the tables and as they left Dan noticed. He would go to clear and refresh their table so it would be ready for the next customer. “Their table...
Join us for a Job Fair on Saturday, September 15, 2018 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm! (Click here to see the flyer) As an expression of our appreciation for the Tennessee Legislature voting a funding increase specifically intended to increase DSP wages, we offer this video of gratitude. ...
Having a job and earning her own money are a big source of pride for Flo. She had worked in a sheltered workshop for many years and it was difficult for her when that ended. Staff worked very hard to find a good job placement for Flo to ensure she continued to have the self-esteem that...
Announcing Weekly Open Interviews! Starting Wednesday, August 1, MHDS will be conducting open interviews every week on Wednesdays. Click here to see more information! The Annual Bob Brown Memorial Golf Scramble is Coming Up! We’ll be holding the 14th Annual Bob Brown Memorial Golf Scramble...
Zacch Haynes has been working at Zaxby’s for almost a year now. He enjoys his co-workers and staying busy. He says he likes everything about his job and feels like everyone has been good to him. He is supported by MHDS through the Employment & Community First (ECF) program offered by the...
We’re excited to bring you another edition of our “Supported Employment Spotlight!” This month we’re celebrating the success that Kristie has found with her work at Walgreens. She is a hard worker, enjoys what she does, and is an asset to her supervisors and fellow...
MHDS is pleased to announce a continuing series of learning opportunities on topics beneficial to the persons we serve, their families and others who support them. We kicked off last month with a session focused on the ECF Choices Program and Jobs Fading Plans. On June 14, the series continues...
It’s time again for the Redbones May Monday Fundraiser benefitting MHDS! Every Monday night in May, Redbones will donate $1 for every $5.99 steak purchase. Come on out to Redbones on Monday nights in May for a delicious dinner and help raise money for the 175+ individuals who receive...
We’re excited to share another success story with you in our Supported Employment Spotlight! Watch the video below to hear David’s...
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